Construction Site Manager

Fletcher Community Centre


Building Company - North Construction

Project Manager - Al McCully

VALUE - $2,500,000

DURATION - 30 weeks

CLIENT - Urban Growth NSW for Newcastle City Council

ARCHITECT - EJE Architecture

The exciting new community facility for the residents of Fletcher provides essential amenities to support the adjacent sporting fields on the lower ground floor, while the ground floor delivers meeting rooms and a large open plan function space and spacious terrace all supported by a commercial kitchen facilities. 

The construction of the facility was completed by fairly traditional means from load bearing masonry on the lower ground floor housing the sporting facilities and supporting the ground suspended slab. The ground floor consists of a structural steel frame providing the flexibility to house the Meeting rooms and function spaces all with uninterrupted views over the sporting fields and tennis courts. 

Through the use of various material and finishes and a great working relationship between Builder and Architect the community has been provided with extremely functional yet eye catching facility. The use of glazed masonry products, pre-finshed elements coupled with quality paint will remain a focal point of the Sanctuary for many years to come. 

The project involved the construction of a new community centre building in Fletcher and associated external works including sports change rooms, kiosk, function room, kitchen, offices and amenities. The key challenges of this community construction project were the high level of masonry finishes including those with long lead times with direct impact to the critical path programme. We overcame this by sourcing alternative materials while at the same time exceeding the clients expectations for quality.

It was awarded “Best Small Scale Commercial Development” at the annual Lower Hunter Urban Design Awards.

LESSONS LEARNT - Through this project I learnt the value of respect from our subcontractors. While it was a small project, the level of details and finishes were high, and I was stationed on this project alone. I knew that I would have to be able to think on my feet and be both inside the site office and out in the field at all times. Hard and consistent work resulted in the trades wanting to achieve the quality and programme goals. preparing the areas for each trade, ensuring they had a clear run at their task and all the info they needed, enabled me to build trust with the workers and achieve a standout project.
